Local Same Day & Express Flower Delivery


About Our Flower Shop

Radebaugh Florist & Greenhouses

Voted Best Florist in Baltimore

Radebaugh Florist is a third generation, family owned and operated floral design firm. We operate a floral design center in Towson, Maryland. Our design center is open to the public for shopping. We carry the best selection of gorgeous fresh flowers, plants and gifts in town. Many of the flowers we sell are purchased directly from flower farms here in the states, Latin America, Holland and other areas of the world. Buying direct ensures that our customers enjoy the finest, freshest, highest quality flowers available. 

In addition to our floral design center, we also operate a retail greenhouse and a wholesale greenhouse. The retail greenhouse is open to the public. It is co-located on the same property where we operate the flower shop. Our retail greenhouse is filled with gorgeous green, flowering, succulent and tropical plants. 



Our Towson Location

Address:120 E. Burke Ave.
Towson, MD 21286


ZIP Codes Served

21009, 21013, 21014, 21015, 21021, 21022, 21023, 21030, 21031, 21047, 21050, 21051, 21052, 21057, 21071, 21082, 21084, 21085, 21087, 21092, 21093, 21094, 21111, 21117, 21128, 21131, 21133, 21136, 21139, 21152, 21153, 21156, 21162, 21201, 21202, 21204, 21205, 21206, 21207, 21208, 21209, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21213, 21214, 21215, 21217, 21218, 21220, 21221, 21222, 21224, 21228, 21229, 21230, 21231, 21234, 21236, 21237, 21239, 21244, 21251, 21252, 21282, 21284, 21285, 21286


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